直熱三級管2G21前級零件包 |
2G21為效果很好的直熱三極管,本站有2G21之相關討論專欄,本站提供之線路,頻寬為10Hz(-0.4dB)-91kHz(-3dB) @ 20Vpp,加上真空管整流,真空管穩壓,低廉的費用,卓越的效果,十分值得製作,以下為零件包費用表. 另外,本零件均只提供單管前級,原因是直熱迷你管均為直熱式,直熱三極管,真空管整流,真空管穩壓,與市售10萬元以上之前級,擁有相同作法之電源,因此單管已能發輝其迷人之中頻特色,有些朋友在完成單管前級後,亦試做直交陰極隨偶輸出或SRPP,各有其特色 =================客戶反應============= 日期:2003/07/15 作者:Switzerland(瑞士)朋友 產品名稱:直熱三級管2G21 以下為E_Mail原文 簡略說明:新竹科學園區好友翁經理寄2G21給瑞士之同好,已於日前製作完成,瑞士友人在電話中告訴他:"2G21發出令人驚奇的高品質聲音",詳細試聽結果,待Mail中
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 10:49 AM
Subject: Hello , how are you ?
Dear Mr Wang,
How are you lately?
I will be traveling to Shanghai next Monday and will be there for almost 10 days. If there is any needs please let me know. I will try to search for it during my free time.
On top of that, my friend in Switzerland has finished building the 2G21 set. Over the phone he told me that he is amazed with the sound quality of the tube. I am also still waiting for his remarks in email.
So how's the progress for the separated power supply set for the preamp ? I am looking forward to see the finial outcomes. I am also looking forward for the new power amp sets that you have mentioned on the web page. Best regards, 部分客戶之反應: 日期:2003/06/05 作者:台中邱先生 產品名稱:直熱三級管2G21 以下為E_Mail原文
----- Original Message -----
From: "posaune.tw"
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 10:37 PM
Subject: 2g21小肉粽前級
> 吳兄:
以下為2003/05/11 台北邱先生直熱三級管2G21試聽結果 台北黃先生:(底下為E_MAIL全文) 吳先生:
將關於這個 Web 站台的問題或建議的郵件寄到 tube.audio@msa.hinet.net。